Thursday, 14 October 2010


When the door slams to ‘you fucking prick”
and tears like greyhounds in their trap
test the spring-loaded lock of grief 

and sick rolls up over choked throats 
rubbed by shaking hands
as wedding bands loosen in 
the salty slick of those tears
and carefully invested years 
produce a debit, 
don’t reach for poetry or art
such stuff will swell your bursting heart.

Know that time is a ribbon folded on itself,
the quantum mechanics of chance
send each molecule on it’s atomic dance,  

sound waves will settle once again
into gentle ripples then horizontal lines
as light in packets of quanta is absorbed
and reabsorbed by reddened retina

and the universe continues to expand
defying our attempts to comprehend
the mind of god and the loves of men.

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